Kitchener Elementary School was a Project Definition Report (PDR) for a seismic upgrade and expansion to an existing 465-student (proposed 845-student) elementary school in Burnaby, on which I was an Architectural Technologist from Programming to Schematic Design. The PDR examined the most cost-effective method to seismically upgrade and add new space to Kitchener Elementary School to accommodate students currently utilising portables on the site. The proposed addition(s) will alleviate current and future pressure from the over-utilization on site and the surrounding schools, which is driven by nearby local housing developments. I collaborated with the architect in developing a report and schematic designs which proposed to meet the school district's requirements. This project was highly informative to my development in particular for being involved in the preliminary process by which a Design-Bid-Build competition would be issued for this multi-stakeholder public project.
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