ABOVE || The ground plane is manipulated in contrast to the building mass and to bring balance to the composition. Where mass is removed from one corner, it is placed on an opposing corner (either directly opposite, or adjacent along a horizontal / vertical axis). 
The resulting arrangement creates a form which sinks and rises into and from the ground plane to become part of the site. The masses appear to have once been one element, and came apart upon impact with the earth. 
A cylindrical void rises and expands out from the central circle to hollow out the adjacent rectangular masses, an implied cone downwards in juxtaposition to the solid truncated cone upward. The rectangular masses also rise and expand out in the updated arrangement, reaching up and outwards to compete for presence. The void creates an openness to the space allowing for views into and out of the dropped cylinder. 
BELOW || Perspectives showing the adjusted ground plane and central void. The ground plane implies a flanked approach to the composition, accessibility to the tall rectangular mass, and visibility outwards from the truncated cone. The void creates a central space anchored by the corner masses, and is implied to be filled rather than lacking in material (from aerial, a corner mass or truncated cone fills the space; in plan, the central void is filled by views and movement into the space)
BELOW || A Revit Dynamo script is created to generate dimensions of edges and vector angles for physical modeling. A limitation of the script is that vector angles were not always consistent (sometimes 270 Degrees, sometimes 90 Degrees), and that complex forms such as cones would be simplified to triangular forms. 
BELOW || Studio Notes
Remove vertical wooden elements which imbue too much material properties. 
For the purposes of concept development, a model should be represented with a 'singular' material.
The landscape should cradle the architecture based on the narrative, and consideration should be made on how this can be done without sacrificing views and movement.
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