Submission for the 2017 Hong Kong Pixel Homes competition hosted by Bee Breeders, completed as a team of 2 with Jorge Saavedra.
Hong Kong Pixel Homes focuses on an Informed Design strategy, serving:
1. Areas of greatest need for affordable and public housing
2. Organic and flexible construction
3. Population demographics
4. Community engagement and development
2. Organic and flexible construction
3. Population demographics
4. Community engagement and development
From these considerations, the Pixel Homes project features a modular concept that allows Hong Kong to serve their citizens by adjusting the overall building according to demographics. These modules have been designed to serve Hong Kong citizens in difference phases of their life.

Lobby Restaurant - Level 1

Lobby Restaurant - Level 2

Family - Level 1

Family - Level 2

Seniors - Level 1

Seniors - Level 2

Single - Level 1

Single - Level 2